Canadian Mining company accused

It has been highlighted by the Organised Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP)  that Panamanian mining professionals , numbering almost 200,000,  have embarked upon a crusade to prevent open-pit mining by a subsidiary of a Canadian-listed company on the counts of having breached more than 200 environmental regulations ,damaging historical and illegally excavating archeological sites , contaminating underground water reservoirs and aquifers , making streams toxic,  endangering plants and animal habitats and the regional biological corridor and ecosystems.

Credit OCCRP

International Criminal Court

The group has intimated Panama’s mining regulator that if the open pit mining project is not definitely closed then its next step would be to approach the International Criminal Court in The Hague . The action is targeting Minera Panamá SA as being responsible for crimes against the environment and the nation’s historical heritage . Minera Panamá SA is a First Quantum Minerals subsidiary. In recent days the stock value of the subsidiary dropped sharply.

Supreme Court declared Contract as unconstitutional

Despite the contract being signed 10 years back in December 2017 the apex court declared the contract as ultra vires of the constitution. South American countries including El Salvador, Costa Rica and Honduras have passed legislation to prohibit metal mining. It is likely that the stakeholders may invoke the jurisdiction of UNESCO to protect heritage sites .