Grain Silos

Courtesy Ukraine Business News

Ukraine is the worlds 4th exporter of grains.  Silos in territory under the control of the Ukrainian government were at 50 % storage after Russia blockaded the sea ports of Ukraine. At one stage almost 30 million tonnes of grain were stored in Ukrainian held territory out of a capacity of around 55 million tonnes

Black Sea

Courtesy CNBC

In the event of no or limited access to its Black Sea ports Ukraine will be unable to export more then 2 million tonnes on a monthly basis.This almost led to a global food crisis in the year 2022 which was avoided after the UN brokered an arrangement between Turkey ,Russia and Ukraine and so far 810 ships laden with around 20 million tonnes of corn and wheat have sailed from Ukrainian ports.

Satellite images
Satellite images reveal 344 storage facilities being utilised  out of almost 1400 storage facilities in Ukraine. Lack of storage capacity of grains ensued after stock piled up as a direct impact of mining of waters around the ports .  In the the event of no or limited access to its Black Sea ports Ukraine will be unable to export more then 2 million tonnes on a monthly basis thereby exacerbating the food supply chain vulnerability. If the UN brokered deal is reneged then the wheat supply chain may be disrupted and Ukraine  logistically constrained and compelled to explore alternate routes via road, river and rail.