Cannabis Smoking for Tourists

The City Council of the metropolitan and port city of Amsterdam has altered its bye laws. Effective from May this year restrictions are being placed on smoking cannabis by tourists in coffee shops which had been following a ” policy of toleration ” .Smoking marijuana has also been forbidden in public spaces in the inner city.

Courtesy Dutch News

Crass Tourism

The tourists instead of appreciating the unique architecture of the inner city and the 17th century paved streets of Amsterdam indulge in crude and crass activities with utter disregard to the sensitivities of the residents. Restrictions are being introduced on the weekends on the sale of alcohol and it will not be permitted to display alcohol in showcases and visible to the public . The nuisance of mass tourism ,alcohol and drug abuse has become rampant promoting crime and insecurity and vice has started permeating the local communities in the “De Wallen “ (Red Light district ) of Amsterdam.