China Criticised

Much to the chagrin of the United States China has not outrightly criticised Russia’s blatant invasion of Ukraine. China maintains that  the US and NATO were to blame for provoking Russia to launch aggression against Ukraine.  China  and the US continue to exchange diplomatic barbs over Taiwan. The US , EU and UK are of the considered view that as a responsible member of the UN Security Council China should in no manner support Russia , whether diplomatically or through trade and not render any military support to Russia. To exacerbate matters China, Russia and South Africa are conducting military and naval exercises in the Indian Ocean .


Credit CBS News

Hypersonic Missiles

Credit The Independent Barents Observer

The Russian Frigate Admiral Gorshkov equipped with advanced hypersonic missiles, South African frigate SAS Mendi and the Chinese Frigate  Rizhao 598  are conducting joint military drills off the coast of South Africa. Russia has not exhibited any intention of  testing its ship based hypersonic “Tsirkon” missile system.


Credit CBS News

Diplomatic Squabble


The timing of these joint military exercises has erupted in diplomatic  bickering and fierce criticism  by the US.  South Africa’s avowed  stance is that the war games are essential for its navy to become conditioned  to protecting its  marine waters , fisheries as well as to safeguard the shipping routes in the Indian Ocean from assaults by armed sea marauders . South Africa had abstained from voting at the UN for condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.The joint military manoeuvres have been assigned the name of  “Mosi II” which means smoke in the Tswana (Bantu)  language of South Africa.