UN Peacekeepers Remain Silent Observers

In the year 1995 Bosnian Serb forces faced no resistance from U.N. Peacekeepers when it overran towns in their presence .Whether complicit or on account of sheer indifference  the UN Peacekeepers looked on as silent spectators when Bosnian Serbs conducted a planned and premeditated operation and raped , executed and deported civilians from the area for ” ethnic cleansing ”  purposes and these massacres and gory criminal acts occurred in areas designated by the UN to be “safe areas” . The frequently decorated UN Peacekeepers were  made a mockery of internationally.  https://www.hrw.org/report/1995/10/15/fall-srebrenica-and-failure-un-peacekeeping/bosnia-and-herzegovina

UN protection Force’s French field commanders craven decision making  highlighted worldwide

A French armoured personnel carrier of the UN Protection Force was transporting the Deputy Bosnian Prime Minister Hakija Turajlic when he was assassinated by Serbian forces without any resistance or reprisal by the escorting French UN Protection Force. The assassination took place in broad daylight in the presence of  Col. Patrice Sartre, the commander of U.N. troops .

Competing for 1st Position

Since the year 2013 Nigeria and Pakistan have been competing for the first position in terms of contribution of police personnel at the UN  for the ostensible purpose of maintaining peace and security in various countries and conflict zones. While Western countries send non-essential personnel such as cooks and bartenders who are inducted as UN Peacekeepers Nigeria, Pakistan and India shamelessly volunteer their core security personnel. It is claimed that precious forex is earned  by the police personnel . What is not mentioned is that the security situation worsens in the contributing country and the economic damage inflicted is incalculable . Foreign investment shies away and precious time is lost due to the deteriorating security environment .It would be better if it is ensured that the internal security of the contributing country is first strengthened as the police personnel can be redeployed in Nigeria, Pakistan and India to safeguard tourists for improving a country’s image as only then foreign investment can be attracted in the country which is contributing peacekeepers to conflict zones in other countries. https://tribune.com.pk/story/638638/needed-at-home-pakistan-stops-sending-police-on-un-missions