Women at Forbes Speak out

Credit Forbes

Abu Dhabi the capital of United Arab Emirates (UAE) is hosting the Forbes 30/50 Summit focusing on the success of world renowned women in leadership roles. These women will be presenting and sharing their individual success models intriguingly in the backdrop of a highly conservative, tribal and patriarchal society where even today the veil is worn in public. These highly successful ladies will in a forthcoming manner advance the cause of women and in what manner collaboration can take place across geographical and cultural boundaries. Towering personalities such as Hillary Rodham Clinton and Olena Zelenska will be mentoring the audience as to how to embark upon ambitious careers in a male dominated workplace. The summit was perfectly timed to coincide with International Women’s Day for achieving maximum impact and international attention.

Credit Forbes

Victims in Conflict Zones

Women remain disadvantaged in the developing countries. In conflict zones the women are primarily affected by state sponsored domestic violence, forced child marriages and gender apartheid. The world is witnessing the orchestrated mayhem and violence being perpetrated against women in Iran and  denial of access to educational institutions in Afghanistan.Female refugees and asylum seekers are in a precarious situation and harrowing tales of drowning at sea keep surfacing.Icons such as Polish origin Mika Brzezinski were forthcoming in demanding an end to disparity in wage for women who perform as well or at times better then their male colleagues.

Innovative Women

Credit Vanity Fair

Kelly Sawyer  is an icon who started an organization after discovering much to her astonishment that diapers were not affordable by many families . Baby2Baby  is a non profit organisation and a mega diaper bank which has distributed over 270 million critical supplies including diapers to children who lost everything in the aftermath of disasters. The Forbes Summit 2023 , despite being an exclusive women  event, will project and promote the cause of women advancement as legends assembled at the summit and shared their vision for women worldwide in the full glare of cameras and the presence of the international media.