Kazakhstan China Extend Collaboration in Logistics

Increasing collaboration between Kazakhstan and China is significantly reducing transportation time for goods from China via Kazakhstan rather then using the Black Sea route. Transiting across Kazakhstan will take around 6 days whereas goods enroute to the Black Sea from China will take 14 days.  Kazakhstan’s rigorous efforts to promote the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route are paying off enabling the country to halve the cargo transit time from 12 to 6 days which is further expected to reduce to 5 days by the end of this year.


Kazakhstan Acquires Land in China’s Xi’an Free Trade Port

Kazakhstan is keen to reduce its freight margins as trade of non-primary goods of Kazakhstan last year reached almost $ 30 billion for a six month period being 20 % more in trade volumes than the corresponding period of the previous year.  China not to be outdone has slashed transit time from China to Black Sea by nearly 18 days. Such logistic competition is healthy for the region .Kazakhstan and China are assiduously working to enhance railway freight transport capacity in the Middle Corridor culminating in an arrangement between Kazakhstan Railways and Xi’an Free Trade Port wherein the Chinese Free Trade Port will make available eight hectares of land for Kazakhstan Railways .