Green Hype in the Desert & Women Empowerment

Despite decades of hype and hopes for a move towards green energy fossil fuels account for more then 90 % of transportation of people and goods for trade. The phenomenal  growth in shale oil production in Canada and the US continue to shake Middle Eastern and OPEC giants complacency hence their drive for diversification of the petrochemical economies. Intriguingly shale oil production is empowering Arab women.

Credit Emirates Women

Every time crude prices collapse and demand for fuel in China and India slumps the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), Qatar and UAE have to dip into their sovereign funds to avert the social and economic impact arising out of slashing of their oil derived revenues. KSA subsidies on energy amount to $ 70 billion annually. Around two-thirds of the population of KSA including women are officially below the age of 30 and social unrest and discontent is something which the Kingdom can ill afford and has to be avoided.

Credit Arab News

The Saudi Vision 2030 includes the participation and empowerment of women.However the projection of a soft and liberal image is partly attributable to rapid development of shale technology. One of the directives of Vision 2030 is to activate the role of Saudi women in society and to give them their full rights and the rights guaranteed by Shariah. It is no longer imperative for Saudi women to seek permission of a male guardian to commence business. The KSA’s  Ministry of Commerce and Investment has facilitated to the extent that a company can be electronically registered by a Saudi woman whereas traditionally her male guardian would accompany her to obtain the requisite permission .

Credit About Her

Arab women in these countries are relishing their new found freedom to drive and move around at will unaccompanied by male guardians. After having spend centuries in support roles they seem to be testing unchartered waters.  These petrochemical oriented economies are venturing  out in the world to secure alternate revenue sources and manage their food security as well. Across the Oil producing Gulf region the conservative monarchies have to tread a delicate line between liberalization of women and volatility in oil revenues. Will the trend of women empowerment and placing women on boards of corporates in the KSA,UAE and Qatar continue or be wrapped up ?

Credit Vogue Arabia

AD Ports Group of Abu Dhabi , a major investor in Egyptian ports has recently taken the initiative in promoting gender equality and inducted Ms Najeeba Al Jabri  on its board.Detractors may comment that these are token representations but the ball has been set rolling. For oversea ventures the mere presence of Arab women may result in protracted negotiations as the message that goes is that they are serious investors and equal partners in monitoring the return on investments. The march of environmentalists towards Green and renewable energy seems to synchronize with Arab women who are engrossed in re defining and identifying their role in a conservative and patriarchal domestic environment.