Sports Chauvinism and Subjugation of Gender

Credit VOA News

The Olympics was about male chauvinism in sports at its worst. To quote the founder of the Olympic movement French aristocrat Baron Pierre de Coubertin “female applause as reward for exaltation of male athleticism “. Subjugation of gender role was at its pinnacle and an affront to today’s feminists. The situation changed in the last few decades as witnessed in the Olympics which took place at Rio de Janeiro where out of 11,000 athletes who participated around 5,000 were women athletes.

Shattering Myths

Credit Porsche Newsroom

Myths surround female players like female attire is purposely designed to exhibit skin , performance is enhanced if clothing is tight making the body move faster and so on and so forth. Certain sports namely basketball, soccer and softball which females play at competitive level reject such notions as their attire is the same as that of male players. Golf attire is somewhat neutral however women exercise options but as a matter of choice. Abuse of the female form is more prominent as attractive and leading sports women pose in passive, alluring, delicate manner completely unrelated to the nature and style of the sport. On the contrary male players while appearing in endorsements depict the essence of the sport they are known for and these may be themes of endurance or power. Surprisingly swimming wear for women swimmers is universally acceptable as being professional. Muslim women swimmers do distinguish themselves at times by wearing costumes covering them despite being tight as opposed to one piece costumes by Orientals and Westerners.

Credit Playo

A Russian born tennis star rode the crest of the fashion wave in the world of glamour and remained at the top of Forbes’ list for highest-paid female athlete for 11 consecutive years . It was only when she admitted to failing a drug test for a newly banned substance meldonium and was suspended from professional tennis for 15 months did her glamour fade and endorsements pause. She was a crowd puller and generated revenue streams at tournaments. The more a sport is watched the more the prize money offered. At times its difficult to discern if women sports are watched due to passion for sports or as a fashion distraction. Women and males do not compete against each other which admittedly keeps the performance bar of sports women low.

Wear Less Rhetoric in Europe

Credit Sky News

In the seventies legendary tennis player Billie Jean King sent shockwaves for wearing sleeveless tops and short skirts.  Paradoxically a fine of $ 1766 was imposed on Norway’s women beach handball team when the girls choose not to wear bikini briefs during an event in Bulgaria as bikinis ride up and expose them and the players instead of focusing on the game keep checking if the bikini bottoms are adjusted.

Hijab and Sports

Credit Esquire Middle East

Cultures and stereotypes determine whether sports women can be rebuked for wearing too much or too less. Interestingly a form of feminism has swept across the Arab monarchies albeit with the tacit consent of the mainly male dominated and conservative rulers wanting to integrate into the global financial system and project a modern image.

Qatari hurdler Mariam Farid embarked upon her empowerment adventure and become a household name in Qatar and was flashed across screens worldwide earning the unique distinction of being the first Qatari athlete to participate in the World Athletic Championships wearing a Hijab (head scarf). Qatari female athletes have willingly and aggressively accepted the challenge and vowed to change this narrative. The traditional role and stereotype of Arab and Qatari women in a highly conservative  society is undergoing  a gradual and conscious change. When Mariam Farid started her schooling in a French school she was kept isolated in a classroom away from her class mates as she steadfastly wore her Hijab in defiance of the school policy. Defending her right of expression encouraged her to boldly venture into the world of sports and compete with other hurdlers clad in revealing sportswear. Qatar’s hurdler Mariam Farid has become a trailblazer for Arab women to enter the international world of women sports while preserving their cultural sensitivities.