It has been highlighted by OCCRP that an audit by Swiss Federal Audit Office revealed that Switzerland is  ill-equipped to properly investigate and deter cases of money laundering across multiple economic sectors.One point of vulnerability highlighted was the country’s real estate sector, specifically its land registry, which was noted to be lacking proper surveillance and is ill-protected against money laundering.Money laundering takes place through the land registry system as real estate is a popular commodity amongst criminals which the corrupt pursue when seeking to launder their ill-gotten gains. Other commodities used by criminals to launder their proceeds of corruption and illicit drug trade are precious metals such as gold and silver.In the year 2018 almost 2,300 tons of gold worth US $ 64 billion passed through Swiss customs inspections, as did $ 18 billion worth of watches and jewelry made from precious metals. Under the country’s Federal Law on Combating Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (AMLA) authorities are left blind when it comes to the purchase of melted goods. The Swiss Federal Audit Office found that  the maximum fine is a measly US $ 5 million.The Swiss are quite sanctimonious when advising third world countries when in reality the proceeds of corruption and illicit drug trade destination is Swiss banks.