LGBTQ community under attack

Little is known about the shooter ,Audrey Hale , who was killed by police after she carried out a mass shooting at a Christian school in Nashville, Tennessee. The 28 year old Hale was born female, she was part of the LGBTQ community and ran track in school. The shooter was under medical care for an undisclosed emotional disorder which fact was not known to police before the attack.The killer’s gender identity, initially a topic of speculation , turned into a crusade against the LGBTQ community and the horrible incident weaponized a raging and vitriolic campaign against transgender rights shifting the focus away from imposition of stricter controls on weapon use.

Credit dallasvoice

Unfair advantage to transgender in sports

The state of Tennessee had a while back proposed laws against transgender rights advocating restrictions on drag performances in public or in the presence of children,access to gender-affirming care,  gender expression, inclusive education and access to public bathrooms which may make other genders uncomfortable in sharing bathrooms. Female athletes complain that the participation of transgenders in sports gives them an unfair advantage if a transgender pumped with testosterone was to compete with female athletes . The gender of the killer is unfairly being linked to the propensity to commit crime at a time when hateful rhetoric and protests against the LGBTQ community is at its peak. The LGBTQ community is apprehensive that the shooting may be exploited to advance legislation to wrest away the legal rights of transgender individuals .

Credit CNN

Demonising Transgenders as Predatory

Legislation to roll back the rights of transgender people is feared to be pursued with renewed vigour by extremist voices as a backlash to the rising visibility of transgender people in public life .Media persons and lawmakers desirous of instant publicity are increasingly demonising transgenders as being predatory . In the US nearly every transgender can recount incidents of violence and attempts made against his safety and security in public.