Mifepristone is a drug used to treat women who have suffered miscarriages & Cushing syndrome, a hormone-related condition, and was approved for termination of pregnancy until 7 weeks gestation later extended to 10 weeks of pregnancy.Application of this drug ,approved in the year 2000, induces abortions & effectively stops pregnancy.In the year 2020 more then half a million abortions took place in the US.

In the US individual states regulate the right to abortion. In 26 states abortion is banned. The US Supreme Court in a ruling in 2022 gave states free reign to ban pregnancy terminations. Exceptions exist where the mother’s life is in danger or rape or incest cases are reported to the authorities.  The medical community is of the view that ideological assertions have been preferred against scientific facts which had established that the drug is safe and around 5 million women have used this drug. Anti abortion activists call themselves “pro life “. Integral to the issue is the right of women to take decisions related to their reproductive healthcare.Two conflicting judgements in US means the Federal government will appeal to Supreme Court.