Under 30 College Dropouts
The digital world has exposed the startup ecosystem culture it seems. The much glamorised and touted startup ventures by Under 30 individuals apparently raised around $5 billion in funding and it is being reported that many Under 30 persons are involved in scams worth almost $18 billion. College and university drop outs are being presented as role models to the youth.
Washed up by Mid Thirties
The fact that so many scams are being perpetuated on a mass level and misleading the youth can culturally be attributed to many reasons such as a perception that if you don’t make huge money off a software or digital startup by your mid thirties you will be rendered irrelevant. This compels individuals with limited experience to take huge risks without going through the process of due diligence.
Purge and Jail
Boards don’t ask incisive questions as long as revenues pour in and later such companies fold up with no financial accountability or soul searching. The worldwide recession and financial crunch and cash flow issues is causing many ill conceived digital start ups to collapse and perhaps natures purge has started. Experience had taken the backseat for momentary financial gain. What is not being reported is the increasing number of Under 30 persons being awarded jail terms in their prime age.
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