Chile is a maritime country enjoying a privileged position in South America endowed with more than 4,300 km of coastline facing the Pacific Ocean without taking into consideration the coastline of Chilean Antarctic Territory extending to the South Pole. Chile’s coastline has 8 major public seaports and this number has remained constant since long .The port of  San Antonio is the premier port of Chile comprising  four commercial areas covering 496 hectares with a maximum water depth of 11.5 m. The port regularly experiences swells . It is an intermodal hub, linked with roadways and railways, connecting the capital, the southern hinterland and Argentina.

Chile has an Exclusive Economic Zone of approximately 3.5 million sqkm almost five times the area of ​​its continental territory. Chile does not possess a coherent multi-modal freight strategy and the International Transport System has sensitized that Chile has a dual port management system with the private ports being managed under the Ministry of Defense. The International Transport System has recommended to formulate a unified and integrated ports and logistics strategy.Private ports proliferate and are not integrated with Chile’s National Transport Policy and additional costs are incurred during transportation to the hinterland as Chile’s main exports of around 60 % consist of copper products.  As copper exports are the mainstay of the economy draft in the navigation channel and harbour has to be maintained.There is a lack of investment, low or no priority for rail freight, governance challenges, underutilisation of private rail networks and unfair subsidies for truck transport . Coastal shipping in Chile has not developed to the desired level being hindered by strict cabotage regulations. Ports in Chile have mediocre scores on maritime accessibility and to offset these shortcomings Chile’s Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications  promoted an electronic platform for enabling of processes associated with handling ships arriving at Chile’s ports aimed at increasing efficiency. Such digital modules will allow electronic integration of the various agents involved in the port community chain during the arrival process of the vessels enabling the digital exchange of  information and fostering competitiveness amongst Chile’s ports

The Chilean Navy operates a flotilla of four diesel-electric attack submarines. The fleet comprises of two Thomson-class submarines and two Scorpène-class submarines based in Talcahuano.The Navy employs 25,000 men and has 24 women lieutenants.


The Drake Passage, a maritime zone that separates Antarctica from the southernmost part of South America, is known for being one of the most dangerous areas in the world to operate in, both by air and by sea, due to its harsh weather conditions. Chile’s maritime doctrine is strategically evolving and is restricted to defense matters .

By Nadir Mumtaz