Inland Waterways Part II

Reducing Cost of Doing Business by lowering Freight & Transportation Charges

Mr Arshad Abbasi , renowned Inland Waterway expert , has opined that the maritime or blue economy can be synergised with and expanded by inland water transportation (IWT).  In his professional view all shipments from Peshawar to Karachi can be transported via “Barges”. Inland waterway had a glorious past but somehow the road transport cartels suffocated both rail and water transport.

Railway versus River transportation in Pakistan
The much touted $8 billion railway track from Karachi to Peshawar may be shelved as part of any Inland Waterway program which will help alleviate poverty, generate numerous technical employment opportunities , save highways and roads from environmental degradation and reduce transportation costs by a third. Reducing transportation and freight and logistic costs North to South will be drastically slashed .India’s seaports are in the South , West and East whereas Pakistan’s seaports are in the South. On account of such logistic convenience inland waterways have been significantly developed recently in India with  World Bank funding and support. Mr Arshad Abbasi estimates that the development cost of inland waterways from the coastal region uptil Peshawar will be in the range of $ 400 million and is likely to receive funding from the World Bank whereas the rail transport project will cost $ 8 billion apart from financially burdening the economy. The Pakistan Navy Hydrographic Department has carried out survey of rivers for the purpose of inland waterway development. Essentially inland waterways comes within the domain of Ministry of Maritime Affairs.

Competitive Freight & Logistic Costs

As per ” Rule of thumb ” according to the Asian Development Bank’s assessment one liter of fuel moves 24 tons through one kilometer on the road, 95 km on rail  and 215 kilometers on water. Savings for Pakistan’s economy are obvious. The huge fuel import bill can decrease thereby conserving precious foreign exchange. In the past Pakistan utilised its rivers for inland transportation but somehow this mode of transport went into oblivion. The time is opportune for its revival as it will enhance exports. Significantly lesser energy consumption, lower noise pollution and reduced carbon footprint is the hallmark of waterway transport. Inland waterways being a greener and more reliable way of moving freight can combat the negative impact of climate change and protect the environment.
Authored by Nadir Mumtaz

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