Floating Solar Panels Reduce Evaporation in Saudi Arabia Oasis

Floating solar panels are eulogised as a remarkable innovation in the realm of renewable energy and water conservation and as a replacement for fossil fuel. By harnessing solar power on water reservoirs , lakes, and protected harbour areas these installations generate clean energy as well as reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In the perspective of Water Security floating solar panels conserve water resources by reducing evaporation from water surfaces which is of immense significance in Saudia Arabia and the United Arab Emirates which are confronted with water scarcity .The shade and shelter provided by floating solar panels minimises the direct exposure of water to sunlight resulting in significantly low evaporation rates. This can be particularly significant in arid regions like the Sahara desert ensuring more efficient water usage for agriculture, drinking and other essential requirements.

Credit;Gulf News

Deployment of Solar Panels & Flooding

Land based solar panels reflect almost 80 % of the sunlight which causes excessive and untimely precipitation leading to flooding .Deployment of floating solar panels can often be synergistic with existing water infrastructure thereby enhancing land use efficiency. With increasing urbanisation, densely populated cities and pressure on water reservoirs and groundwater increasing mounting solar panels on reservoirs will conserve water and concurrently maximize available land resources . An advantage being that the cooling effect of the water  improves the efficiency of solar panels leading to higher energy yields compared to land-based installations. Coupled with digital control mechanisms and technological advancements floating solar panel are becoming efficient energy producing systems.Economies of scale and cost-effectiveness tend to accelerate the popularity of such innovative approaches to energy generation and water conservation on a global scale.Concerted actions by the UN and other agencies and organisations is needed to propagate the benefit of floating solar panels as a manner in which to address climate change challenges.

Island Financial Capitals & Carbon Emissions

The world’s leading financial capitals which are also transshipment ports include Singapore and Hong Kong and to some extent London. These  capitals are densely populated . Due to their geographical nature huge solid waste is disposed through incineration which , despite precautions,  result in significant carbon and heat emissions thereby exacerbating climate risks to the regional marine environment and ecosystems.

Credit : Dreamstine 


Authors : Nadir Mumtaz & Razeen Ahmed