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China Seoul Maritime Route – Han River & Inland Waterways

Han River Major Water Source   Credit ; Korean Institute of Public Administration The Han River serves as a major water source for South Korea despite environmental concerns as industrial effluents are dumped into the river . Origin Credit : Korean Institute of Public Administration The Han River emerges as two small rivers in the

Island Financial Capitals Floating Solar Panels & Flooding Risks

Floating Solar Panels Reduce Evaporation in Saudi Arabia Oasis Floating solar panels are eulogised as a remarkable innovation in the realm of renewable energy and water conservation and as a replacement for fossil fuel. By harnessing solar power on water reservoirs , lakes, and protected harbour areas these installations generate clean energy as well as

Reclamation & Acid Generation in Palm Jumeirah – Blacklisting of Ports

High land Values Land  reclamation is commonly undertaken around coastal cities such as Singapore and Hong Kong as land values are excessive thereby costs are justified by estate developers. What is not highlighted is that ocean water behaviours including tidal accumulation, sea level rise, connection to wetlands and aquatic biodiversity determine the success or failure

Sea Walls Morocco and USA

Sea Walls For coastal states to remain protected from floods in a natural manner Sea Walls are constructed . The first step is to identify and select the appropriate location for construction of a wall which is related to  the geographical size of a coastal state as well as the severity of climate change .

By |2024-01-06T13:15:06+00:00January 6th, 2024|Categories: Environment & Extreme Flooding|Tags: , , , |0 Comments
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