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Ports Reduce Cost of Doing Business in Pakistan

Spin offs and Economic Benefits of Ports in Pakistan A seaports economic impact stretches far beyond ports limits. Taking into account the direct and flow-on effects of trade entering and leaving the port area the added value supports a port cities businesses, communities and its people. Local Government Areas and the communities adjacent to the

Copper Gold Investment & Mining Regulatory Regime

Reko Diq Copper Gold Mining project in District Chagai of Balochistan Background In the year 1993 the Balochistan Development Authority (BDA) and Chagai Hills Exploration Joint Venture Agreement (CHEJVA) entered into a joint venture in which the shareholding constituted of Foreign Investor at 75 % and BDA at 25 % and BDA was entitled to

India’s Deep Water Port to Counter China

India’s Knee Jerk Approach to China’s Maritime Dominance The nationalist fervor prevailing in India is spilling into the maritime sphere and its nationalists visualise the 7,500 km coastline as a connecting artery with the world's busiest shipping routes. It is perceived that China has invested heavily in Sri Lankan ports at Colombo and Hambantota. India’s

Sovereign Funds Muscles

Sovereign Funds Hidden Agendas The scale of operations of Sovereign Funds is worrisome. In the year 2017 Norway’s sovereign wealth fund (SWF) exceeded USD 1 trillion in value signifying that countries have more financial muscle then private corporations. Apple and Amazon being enormous IT companies have exceeded this threshold. What is worrisome is that SWF’s

By |2023-08-28T02:52:56+00:00July 24th, 2023|Categories: Economy Finance & Transparency|0 Comments

ABC of Economy

Random Musings on Economy Part - I Curse of Banking Spread In the year 2008 the banking spread  or rate difference between what banks pay as interests to depositors and what they charge on loans to business was 7.05 % which was the highest in the world . The banking spread in the US at

Money Laundering & Terrorism

UAE no longer attractive Investment Hub for " Hot money " Financial Action Task Force (FATF) , a Paris-based global watchdog , has categorised UAE  on the FATF  'gray list' endangering its position as a regional financial centre . Now transactions and commercial trade in the seven Emirates of the United Arab Emirates are strictly

Dubai FATF Grey list & India

UAE no longer attractive Investment Hub for " Hot money " Financial Action Task Force (FATF) , a Paris-based global watchdog , has categorised UAE  on the FATF  'gray list' endangering its position as a regional financial centre . Now transactions and commercial trade in the seven Emirates of the United Arab Emirates will be

China US Taiwan Chips War

The global economy is witnessing with alacrity the threat hurled by the United States of America to impose tariff on potential imports from China of goods valuing around USD 60 billion, ostensibly on the grounds that it violated sanctions imposed on Iran and North Korea. The trade tussle between these two global economies was simmering

Startups and Jail

Under 30 College Dropouts The digital world has exposed the startup ecosystem culture it seems. The  much glamorised and touted startup ventures by Under 30 individuals apparently raised  around $5 billion in funding and it is being reported that many Under 30 persons are involved in scams worth almost $18 billion. College and university drop

By |2023-04-10T01:02:06+00:00April 10th, 2023|Categories: Economy Finance & Transparency|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

Taiwan China Best of Friends

No Recognition but Trade goes on Despite having no official relations China is Taiwan’s largest trading partner and the US comes in a close second. Both countries maintain no official relations yet their two way annual trade rose to US $ 328 billion and the ready supply directly from Taiwan of processor chips is a

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