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South Asian Ports Benefit from Houthi Attacks in Red Sea

World Maritime Supply Chains & Straits Maritime routes involve 5 crucial international waterways namely “ The English Channel, Malacca Strait, Hormuz Strait, Suez Canal and the Panama Canal". Each of these 5 waterways have had distinct disruptions with respect to supply chains. The English Channel has an advantage of modern Sea Ports with minimal collisions

China’s Maritime Silk Route Investments

China's Foray into Far East Seaports China’s is expanding its global maritime footprint and this may be a cause of concern for the US. China is flooding huge private and public cash into Cambodia especially targeting the capital city of Phnom Penh and port cities like Sihanoukville.Currently major upgrades to the nearby Ream Naval Base

Container Terminal Lease & Investment

DP World Lease Extension at $ 2 billion Investment The Government of Mozambique recently approved a 25-year extension of lease of its Port of Maputo to the operator consortium,  upto the year 2058 , led by DP World including Mozambique’s state-owned railway operator .The approval incorporates a $2 billion investment and expansion plan with an

MSP Climate Change and SDG 14

Marine Spatial Planning integral to maintain Biodiversity The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO advocates the development of an ocean database through data collection efforts and employing technologies such as satellite imagery. The impact of climate change is essential to be factored into Marine Spatial Planning. For maritime countries it is essential to frame policies of

By |2024-01-18T15:25:31+00:00January 18th, 2024|Categories: Maritime Logistics & Geostrategy|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Coastal Barriers & Flooding at Thames Estuary

Coastal Barriers & Flooding at Thames Estuary Sophisticated Flood Barriers The development of the Thames Barrier ,which commenced in 1982, has protected UK since four decades and the astonishing part is that such an old technology maintains London as a global innovator against tidal and fluvial flooding.Whenever warnings are received of significant incoming tides mammoth

Insurance Bunkering & Coalition Force in Red Sea

Insurance Costs Surge on Red Sea Routes Isn't it intriguing that only the major container lines and not tankers, LNG and bulk carriers have diverted from the Red Sea routes. A Suezmax tanker with a load of 750,000 barrels priced at $80/bbls is a cargo worth around $60 million. At a war risk insurance of

Marine Protected Areas Conflicts & Biodiversity

Marine Protected Areas Security & Biodiversity Protection of Marine Areas is not only about conservation of aquatic species but also defending a state’s territory against marine intruders. According to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) maritime zones were chalked out to depict sea borders yet whether it’s the territorial sea,

SENSREC Ship Recycling & Norway

Third Phase SENSREC The International Maritime Organisation shared as far back as on 31st of July, 2020 that the third phase of an IMO-implemented SENSREC project to enhance safe and environmentally sound ship recycling in Bangladesh has been given the go-ahead. The ​SENSREC Phase III will focus on improving ship recycling standards in compliance with

GOOS & Indian Ocean

Indian Ocean enters Plastic Age The magnitude of pollution in waterways and oceans is now so much that the world may be entering the “Plastic Age” . The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) claims that globally 400 million tons of plastic are produced annually yet smart technology, water sensors and integrated cloud data systems can

National Sovereignty & Merchant Navy Expansion

War Memorial Queensland’s Kenilworth war memorial seems unremarkable to the average passerby. If you blink, you’ll miss it, and even if you don’t blink, you might still miss it. But a keener observer would notice that there are four services represented. Along with the navy, army and air force, the memorial honours the merchant navy,

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