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Saudi Red Sea Tourism & Coral Reefs

Red Sea Tourism , Coastal Development and Coral Reefs Coral Reefs Coral reefs underly ocean biodiversity and contribute significantly in the economic, social, touristic and cultural scope . The extent of biodiversity of coral reefs incorporating a multitude of symbiotic relationships , encompasses 285,000 km2  covering less then 0.1 % of the ocean exterior. Coral colonies

Port as Collateral for Loan

Chinese Debt Trap and Port of Mombasa China is engaged in territorial disputes with several countries including Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam, South Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and Brunei and is paranoid about its maritime routes being strangled at certain chokepoints. The Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) project  commenced operations in the year 2017 linking Mombasa ,the key

Blue Green Climate Fund

Blue or Green Hydrogen Blue hydrogen growth is likely to exceed  " green H2 " in the US as projects in the US are"  blue hydrogen "  oriented i.e source being natural gas with the additional distinction of carbon capture. This is in stark contrast to  green H2 produced through renewable electricity and water electrolysis.

US Navy vs Navy

Where has the US Commercial Shipping Industry disappeared The US Navy and US Maritime Administration will have to justify why it is so prolific in spending on naval ships rather then building US merchant navy fleet. What is really being protected by the US Navy needs an in depth study. Is the US Navy protecting

Climate Change Choking Panama Canal

Variable Wind patterns complicating Navigation The blockage of the Suez Canal highlighted the vulnerability of global shipping and freight logistics to climatic changes. Extreme heat dries soil ,vegetation becomes scarce ,winds mobilize sand grains and ensuing sandstorms display strong and variable wind patterns complicating navigation in the passage of the Suez Canal .In the last

Russia’s Stranded LNG Sea Routes

LNG Gulf of Ob and Logistics The Yamal to Europe natural gas pipeline is a 4,107 km long pipeline  designed to connect Russia’s gas in Yamal and Siberia to European natural gas markets. The pipeline's original route is through Belarus. Construction of the pipeline commenced in 1994 with Gazprom being the lead  developer and the

Convention Recycling Ships

Scrap and Recycling Ships Convention The HONG KONG INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE SAFE and ENVIRONMENTALLY SOUND RECYCLING OF SHIPS, 2009 (known as the Convention) was adopted in Hong Kong in the year 2009. The Convention is aimed at ensuring that ships, when being recycled after reaching the end of their operational lives, do not pose

By |2023-07-03T09:26:06+00:00May 27th, 2023|Categories: Maritime Logistics & Geostrategy|0 Comments

Civilian Coastguard UK

Role of Coastguards There is no consensus on the missions and organizational structure of coast guards around the world. Mostly coastguards are administratively deployed under civilian control with the purpose to maintain order at sea, ensure safety, prevent illegal fishing and protect the environment. In most countries for recruitment and training purposes the personnel or

Law of The Sea

Complexities of Maritime Laws In the last two decades there has been a tremendous development in maritime logistics, shipping and trade accompanied by advancement in technology, concern about exploitation of oceanic resources and a massive increase in the tonnage of sea going vessels. Approximately one third of global maritime trade, passes through the South China

Digitalisation & Seafarer Mental Health

Impact of Digital Connectivity on Seafarer Mental Health Container ships or oil tankers usually have a crew numbering between 18 to 24 persons. Mostly they don't know each other, are from different nationalities and remain occupied at their work stations.In today’s world technology has brought about tremendous changes in the way we communicate . With

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