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Saudi Arabia goes East

Crude storages post Ukraine Conflict The Saudi petrochemical conglomerate Aramco has recently made two strategic ventures with its biggest client.Rongsheng is China’s largest integrated refining and chemicals facility and the controlling owner of Zhejiang Petrochemical Corp (ZPC)  and a huge manufacturer of polyesters .Aramco will supply ZPC with petrochemical feedstocks of naphtha and paraxylene being

Obscene Profits Cramp US Policy

Saudi Arabia's Emerging Financial Strength When the Saudi national oil company which is listed on the bourse announced revenues as high as $161 billion for last year it came as no surprise as oil and gas producers seem to be the prime beneficiaries of the Ukraine conflict. The ploy of the US and Western Europe

Aramco Carbon Capture Fund

Saudi Aramco management being amongst the founding members of the oil and gas climate initiative  announced the establishment of a sustainability fund to the tune of $ 1.5 billion to combat solutions to climate challenges .  Aramco entered into an agreement to put in place a carbon capture and storage hub  to potentially store up

By |2023-03-01T13:30:29+00:00January 12th, 2023|Categories: Renewables, Energy & Food Security|Tags: , , , |0 Comments
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