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Hambantota Port Loan Myths & Realities

Loan for Hambantota Port The Port of Colombo is located near the route between the Strait of Malacca and the Suez Canal, which is one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world. Around 36,000 vessels pass annually on this key corridor between Asia and Europe, including about 4,500 tankers. As the Port of Colombo has been

Darling of Lebanon No More

Economic Wizard Enriches himself Riad Salameh the Central Bank of Lebanon's Chief since decades once widely acclaimed as an economic wizard now faces the ire of the public due to the worst economic crisis and prolonged depression Lebanon is going through. The economic crisis worsened as cross border trade reduced to a trickle after the

Water Salesman & WB

Ajay Banga nominated to the Top Slot of the WB The Indian diaspora is gleefully congratulating itself for the nomination by the President of the United States of America of Ajay Banga once the top executive of MasterCard,  a digital or cashless plastic payment mechanism, to lead the World Bank . It is being repeated

By |2023-03-03T06:23:03+00:00February 25th, 2023|Categories: Economy Finance & Transparency|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |1 Comment

Dollars Wheat & Ports

Largest Wheat Importer The population of Egypt, the most populous Arab state, is around 104 million and to put things in perspective is perhaps the worlds biggest importer of wheat. The impact of the conflict in Ukraine and subsequent hiking of interest rates, accompanied by a surge in global energy prices compelling foreign investment to

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