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Flood Relief & Complementary Development of Inland Waterways

Post Floods & Inland Waterway Development Flood waters have not completely receded  in the province of Sindh and flood rehabilitation efforts need to be intensified in terms of flood management, building protective dykes, rebuilding infrastructure, excavation and dredging of canals and initiating Inland Waterways for Cruise and Freight with logistic nodes along the length of

Ukraine & Containers Pile

Sanctions & Disruption of Energy Supply Chain Courtesy The Japan Times After the conflict in Ukraine erupted Russian supply of oil and piped gas  to the European Union got severely disrupted. The US and EU imposed sanctions as well as a price cap on Russian crude. The ostensible purpose seems to be to curb Russia's

Aramco Carbon Capture Fund

Saudi Aramco management being amongst the founding members of the oil and gas climate initiative  announced the establishment of a sustainability fund to the tune of $ 1.5 billion to combat solutions to climate challenges .  Aramco entered into an agreement to put in place a carbon capture and storage hub  to potentially store up

By |2023-03-01T13:30:29+00:00January 12th, 2023|Categories: Renewables, Energy & Food Security|Tags: , , , |0 Comments
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