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Darling of Lebanon No More

Economic Wizard Enriches himself Riad Salameh the Central Bank of Lebanon's Chief since decades once widely acclaimed as an economic wizard now faces the ire of the public due to the worst economic crisis and prolonged depression Lebanon is going through. The economic crisis worsened as cross border trade reduced to a trickle after the

China Kazakhstan Logistics

Kazakhstan China Extend Collaboration in Logistics Increasing collaboration between Kazakhstan and China is significantly reducing transportation time for goods from China via Kazakhstan rather then using the Black Sea route. Transiting across Kazakhstan will take around 6 days whereas goods enroute to the Black Sea from China will take 14 days.  Kazakhstan’s rigorous efforts to

Gold & Corruption

Corruption in Central Asia The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) has taken up the cudgels against organized corruption and corrupt practices. The Central Asian Republic of Kyrgyzstan figures prominently in the OCCRP investigations. Kyrgyzstan was foremost in launching anti graft campaigns and ensuring transparency in procurement and award of contracts where states resources

Dollars Wheat & Ports

Largest Wheat Importer The population of Egypt, the most populous Arab state, is around 104 million and to put things in perspective is perhaps the worlds biggest importer of wheat. The impact of the conflict in Ukraine and subsequent hiking of interest rates, accompanied by a surge in global energy prices compelling foreign investment to

Russia and the evolving rail grid in Central Asia

The evolving rail grid in Central Asia will financially incentivize Middle Corridor trade while making EU-Asian routes less regionally competitive. Russian Railways in collaboration with the railways of Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Iran is granting reduced container-kilometer rates in the year 2023 for using the infrastructure of the eastern route of the North-South international transport corridor

Transit Trade in Central Asia

Freight Costs Reduction to Boost Central Asia's Trade In order to cut Freight costs Tajikistan acceded to the Framework Agreement on Facilitation of Cross-border Paperless Trade in Asia and the Pacific in the year 2022. Digital Cross border trade is the new frontier of logistic artificial intelligence (AI ) .After the Uzbekistan - Pakistan Transit

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