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Coastal Reclamation South China Sea

Reclamation in the South China Sea & Environmental Impact The South China Sea extends from a southwestern boundary along the parallel between Kalimantan and Sumatra northeast to a line drawn from the northern tip of Taiwan to the coast of Fukien, China. This semi­ enclosed  marine area is bordered by China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau,

Muslim Maritime Bloc EEZ & Oceanography

Roots of Muslim Maritime Trade The history of transregional trade in the Indian Ocean is reflective of a vibrant trade from around the 1st century AD . With the expansion of Islam into India, East Africa and Southeast Asia the Indian Ocean began to cohere as a unified global economy and subsequently bound up in

ICJ and Exclusive Economic Zones

Decision and judgement of The INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE on Continental Shelf & Exclusive Economic Zones in South America QUESTION OF THE DELIMITATION OF THE CONTINENTAL SHELF BETWEEN NICARAGUA AND COLOMBIA BEYOND 200 NAUTICAL MILES FROM THE NICARAGUAN COAST First question formulated by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) was ; Whether a State’s entitlement

Inland Waterways & Climate Change

Inland Waterways Role in Reducing Carbon Print , Environmental Degradation , Coastal Flooding, Marine Conservation ,Offsetting the Impact of Climate Change with Key Factor Being Logistic Costs Overview of Inland Waterways In Europe the inland waterways transport (IWT) infrastructure network is 23,506 km long. Water levels in Western Europe and Germany’s river Rhine , an integral

Saudi Red Sea Tourism & Coral Reefs

Red Sea Tourism , Coastal Development and Coral Reefs Coral Reefs Coral reefs underly ocean biodiversity and contribute significantly in the economic, social, touristic and cultural scope . The extent of biodiversity of coral reefs incorporating a multitude of symbiotic relationships , encompasses 285,000 km2  covering less then 0.1 % of the ocean exterior. Coral colonies

Law of The Sea

Complexities of Maritime Laws In the last two decades there has been a tremendous development in maritime logistics, shipping and trade accompanied by advancement in technology, concern about exploitation of oceanic resources and a massive increase in the tonnage of sea going vessels. Approximately one third of global maritime trade, passes through the South China

Coastal Sewage Treatment

Sewerage and Carcinogenic Coastal Waste An array of barriers, cultural and religious negatively impact on wastewater and sewage treatment. Many are squeamish at the thought of using  sewage treated water. One must realize that dumping sewage and wastewater into drains, rivers and sea is harmful to the environment, contains carcinogenic elements, drives away marine and

Miami Sinking Sands

Uneducated Reclamation Credit The Economic Times It may be astonishing for some to know that 44 of the 48 world’s large populated coastal cities are sinking at a rapid pace than the sea level is rising. Such sinking is attributed to groundwater pumping and sediment compacted soil from heavy building and large construction projects being

Blue Carbon

Carbon Sequestration Credit Carbon Brief There is a scientific consensus that tree and foliage coverage sequesters carbon and reduces the carbon print brought on by burning of fossil fuels. Afforestation is a climate mitigation tool.  Trees can store carbon for decades if not longer. Theoretically planting one trillion trees would reduce global warming trend by

Indian Ocean Hydrocarbons & Pakistan’s Energy Security

Part II UNCLOS and Economic Rights Coastal States The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) grants special rights to the coastal states with regards to exploration and use of marine resources, including energy production in the area in its jurisdiction at times termed as exclusive economic zone. Economic Control of Waters

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