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Sicilian Mafia & Floating Cocaine

Cocaine Smugglers Latest Modus Operandi Italy and New Zealand are perplexed by the latest modus operandi adopted by cocaine and drug smugglers on the high seas. New Zealand anti drug enforcement authorities this year shared details of an operation in which they had discovered 81 bales of cocaine successfully retrieving 3 tons of cocaine with

Golden Triangle and Casinos

Drugs arrive at seaports The dense jungles of Thailand,Laos and Myanmar have the notorious fame of being known as the Golden Triangle of illicit drug production.The US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) estimates that more then eight million containers arrive at seaports while small crafts with illicit drug cargoes call at US coastal towns across the

Cocaine cartels , seaports and AI

As reported by Euractiv , in the year 2021 records were created for cocaine seizures in the Belgian port of Antwerp. The port of Rotterdam has millions of containers unloaded at its berths acquiring the distinction of being Europe’s largest seaport unfortunately correspondingly  increasing amount of cocaine are entering. A drug cartel operating from the

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