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Insurance Bunkering & Coalition Force in Red Sea

Insurance Costs Surge on Red Sea Routes Isn't it intriguing that only the major container lines and not tankers, LNG and bulk carriers have diverted from the Red Sea routes. A Suezmax tanker with a load of 750,000 barrels priced at $80/bbls is a cargo worth around $60 million. At a war risk insurance of

Mentoring Women in the Desert

Women at Forbes Speak out Credit Forbes Abu Dhabi the capital of United Arab Emirates (UAE) is hosting the Forbes 30/50 Summit focusing on the success of world renowned women in leadership roles. These women will be presenting and sharing their individual success models intriguingly in the backdrop of a highly conservative, tribal and patriarchal

Ukraine & Containers Pile

Sanctions & Disruption of Energy Supply Chain Courtesy The Japan Times After the conflict in Ukraine erupted Russian supply of oil and piped gas  to the European Union got severely disrupted. The US and EU imposed sanctions as well as a price cap on Russian crude. The ostensible purpose seems to be to curb Russia's

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