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Ports Reduce Cost of Doing Business in Pakistan

Spin offs and Economic Benefits of Ports in Pakistan A seaports economic impact stretches far beyond ports limits. Taking into account the direct and flow-on effects of trade entering and leaving the port area the added value supports a port cities businesses, communities and its people. Local Government Areas and the communities adjacent to the

US Navy vs Navy

Where has the US Commercial Shipping Industry disappeared The US Navy and US Maritime Administration will have to justify why it is so prolific in spending on naval ships rather then building US merchant navy fleet. What is really being protected by the US Navy needs an in depth study. Is the US Navy protecting

Maritime Digitization & Jobs

Integration of Artificial Intelligence The rapid advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI)  , its integration and grudging acceptance in the Maritime Industry will have a wide impact. The maritime sector  has traditionally been labour intensive. In the face of unionized labour seaports across the globe are finding it challenging to introduce AI despite the viability of

Environment Logistics & Vancouver Container Terminal

Deep Subtidal Waters The Roberts Bank Terminal 2 (project) has been approved to be developed as a marine container terminal on Canada’s West coast.  Its location in deep subtidal waters is designed to minimize environmental effects. The burden will not be on the taxpayer as the port authority will finance the project. The federal government

India’s Sagarmala Digital Initiative

  Smart & Green Ports India has a dream of its 12 seaports ,some more then 50 years old, becoming maritime hubs and globally recognised manufacturing hubs. No doubt its seaports handled cargoes slightly in excess of 700 million tonnes in the fiscal year 2020. To this end India plans to upgrade its port infrastructure

Russia and the evolving rail grid in Central Asia

The evolving rail grid in Central Asia will financially incentivize Middle Corridor trade while making EU-Asian routes less regionally competitive. Russian Railways in collaboration with the railways of Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Iran is granting reduced container-kilometer rates in the year 2023 for using the infrastructure of the eastern route of the North-South international transport corridor

Jawaharlal Nehru Port draft

As reported in Hindustan Times most harbors lack the infrastructure and dont have the draft to handle vessels like Ever Alot, the world’s largest container vessel with a length of 400 meter and a capacity of more than 24,000 TU's. Whereas Sri Lankan and Malaysian ports receive visits from the Ever Alot . Even  India’s state-run

By |2023-03-01T13:16:22+00:00January 12th, 2023|Categories: Maritime Logistics & Geostrategy|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments
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