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Inland Waterways & Climate Change

Inland Waterways Role in Reducing Carbon Print , Environmental Degradation , Coastal Flooding, Marine Conservation ,Offsetting the Impact of Climate Change with Key Factor Being Logistic Costs Overview of Inland Waterways In Europe the inland waterways transport (IWT) infrastructure network is 23,506 km long. Water levels in Western Europe and Germany’s river Rhine , an integral

Port Rivalry

 Gwadar Port dredging Maintenance dredging of the navigational channel of Gwadar Port is estimated to cost $ 18 million incorporating maintenance dredging of navigational channel, basin and berthing area extending over 4.70 km . The designed draft of the turning basin and berths is 13.8 m while the outer navigational channel's designed draft is 14.5

Jawaharlal Nehru Port draft

As reported in Hindustan Times most harbors lack the infrastructure and dont have the draft to handle vessels like Ever Alot, the world’s largest container vessel with a length of 400 meter and a capacity of more than 24,000 TU's. Whereas Sri Lankan and Malaysian ports receive visits from the Ever Alot . Even  India’s state-run

By |2023-03-01T13:16:22+00:00January 12th, 2023|Categories: Maritime Logistics & Geostrategy|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments
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