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WWF and Seabed Mining

International Seabed Authority The International Seabed Authority (ISA) Assembly of 168 member states met in Jamaica recently to regulate deep-sea mining however the progressive regulatory proposals of Chile, Vanuatu, Palau, France and Costa Rica were unfortunately vetoed and critical ocean environmental issues adjourned by the Assembly to next year. Calls for a precautionary pause or

Environment Logistics & Vancouver Container Terminal

Deep Subtidal Waters The Roberts Bank Terminal 2 (project) has been approved to be developed as a marine container terminal on Canada’s West coast.  Its location in deep subtidal waters is designed to minimize environmental effects. The burden will not be on the taxpayer as the port authority will finance the project. The federal government

LNG & Environmental Concerns

LNG Carrier Survives Collision A bulk carrier of 35,400 dwt collided with a 162,000 cbm and  289 meters long LNG tanker off Gibraltar last August .The LNG vessel is owned by an Omani company and flagged in the Marshall Island.The bulk carrier was beached on a sandy seabed at 17 m depth .The damage caused

By |2023-03-01T09:23:38+00:00March 1st, 2023|Categories: Maritime Logistics & Geostrategy|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

Water Water Everywhere Not a Drop to Drink

Desalination & Climate Changes Many have heard the popular adage of the Ancient Mariner “ Water Water Everywhere but not a Drop to Drink “. Nowadays  around 300 million people are provided water from desalination plants worldwide and presently there are almost 20,000 such facilities available with varying desalination capacity and the fresh water  so

Copper Corruption Canada & Mining

Canadian Mining company accused It has been highlighted by the Organised Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP)  that Panamanian mining professionals , numbering almost 200,000,  have embarked upon a crusade to prevent open-pit mining by a subsidiary of a Canadian-listed company on the counts of having breached more than 200 environmental regulations ,damaging historical and

Lithium batteries impact on environment

The hype about renewables must cater to the safe and  environmentally friendly disposal of millions of lithium batteries as dumping into or near inland waters leading to the coast may well become a serious issue leading to enhanced toxicity and a threat to marine habitats

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