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ABC IMF Pakistan Agreement Sans Maritime Trade & Logistics

ABC of IMF-Pakistan Agreement Sans Trade & Logistics IMF Country Report No. 24/310 of October 2024 - Article IV Consultation and Request for an Extended Arrangement under Extended Fund Facility External Financing Support Pursuant to economic stability achieved under the 2023 Stand-by Arrangement (SBA) the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Pakistan finalized an agreement on

Ports Reduce Cost of Doing Business in Pakistan

Spin offs and Economic Benefits of Ports in Pakistan A seaports economic impact stretches far beyond ports limits. Taking into account the direct and flow-on effects of trade entering and leaving the port area the added value supports a port cities businesses, communities and its people. Local Government Areas and the communities adjacent to the

Inland Waterways – Cost of Doing Business & Climate Resilience

Inland Waterways Part II Reducing Cost of Doing Business by lowering Freight & Transportation Charges Mr Arshad Abbasi , renowned Inland Waterway expert , has opined that the maritime or blue economy can be synergised with and expanded by inland water transportation (IWT).  In his professional view all shipments from Peshawar to Karachi can be

ABC of Economy

Random Musings on Economy Part - I Curse of Banking Spread In the year 2008 the banking spread  or rate difference between what banks pay as interests to depositors and what they charge on loans to business was 7.05 % which was the highest in the world . The banking spread in the US at

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