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Russian Maritime Routes

Economic & Commercial Maritime Energy Rivalry - Urals Oil  Russia’s Urals oil is used as a reference brand for pricing of export oil mixture with the other main reference brand being Brent. It comprises a mix of heavy sour oil of  Urals and the Volga Region blended with light oil of  Western Siberia Urals crude

Money Laundering & Terrorism

UAE no longer attractive Investment Hub for " Hot money " Financial Action Task Force (FATF) , a Paris-based global watchdog , has categorised UAE  on the FATF  'gray list' endangering its position as a regional financial centre . Now transactions and commercial trade in the seven Emirates of the United Arab Emirates are strictly

Dubai FATF Grey list & India

UAE no longer attractive Investment Hub for " Hot money " Financial Action Task Force (FATF) , a Paris-based global watchdog , has categorised UAE  on the FATF  'gray list' endangering its position as a regional financial centre . Now transactions and commercial trade in the seven Emirates of the United Arab Emirates will be

Port as Collateral for Loan

Chinese Debt Trap and Port of Mombasa China is engaged in territorial disputes with several countries including Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam, South Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and Brunei and is paranoid about its maritime routes being strangled at certain chokepoints. The Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) project  commenced operations in the year 2017 linking Mombasa ,the key

Golden Triangle and Casinos

Drugs arrive at seaports The dense jungles of Thailand,Laos and Myanmar have the notorious fame of being known as the Golden Triangle of illicit drug production.The US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) estimates that more then eight million containers arrive at seaports while small crafts with illicit drug cargoes call at US coastal towns across the

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