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China Seoul Maritime Route – Han River & Inland Waterways

Han River Major Water Source   Credit ; Korean Institute of Public Administration The Han River serves as a major water source for South Korea despite environmental concerns as industrial effluents are dumped into the river . Origin Credit : Korean Institute of Public Administration The Han River emerges as two small rivers in the

Coastal Barriers & Flooding at Thames Estuary

Coastal Barriers & Flooding at Thames Estuary Sophisticated Flood Barriers The development of the Thames Barrier ,which commenced in 1982, has protected UK since four decades and the astonishing part is that such an old technology maintains London as a global innovator against tidal and fluvial flooding.Whenever warnings are received of significant incoming tides mammoth

European Rivers Disputes & NATO

European Rivers & Freshwater Basins There are around 300 freshwater basins in the world straddling international borders and nearly all neighbours in the international system share a river and wherever an upstream/downstream basin configuration exists among nations the risk of conflict is enhanced. In order, to develop any long term and sustainable hydro based power

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