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China Thailand Land Bridge SEZ Threatens Singapore Port

China considers Thailand Land Bridge to Divert Traffic from Malacca Straits Thailand with the support of China is promoting intraregional trade and investment. The "Mekong Economic Belt" electrification is an offshoot as Electric Riverine & Coastal Transport scheme. The utilisation of rivers for large and heavy cargo is a critical component of Thailand's transport policy.

China’s Murky Waters

Tibetan Plateau & China's Water Games The Tibetan Plateau has become a party to an insidious water game and some of the countries in the region remain blissfully unaware of the sinister moves afoot. The Tibetan plateau’s glaciers and altitude makes Tibet the world’s third largest freshwater repository. This is why it is occasionally termed

Muslim Maritime Bloc EEZ & Oceanography

Roots of Muslim Maritime Trade The history of transregional trade in the Indian Ocean is reflective of a vibrant trade from around the 1st century AD . With the expansion of Islam into India, East Africa and Southeast Asia the Indian Ocean began to cohere as a unified global economy and subsequently bound up in

Women Empowerment in the Desert

Green Hype in the Desert & Women Empowerment Despite decades of hype and hopes for a move towards green energy fossil fuels account for more then 90 % of transportation of people and goods for trade. The phenomenal  growth in shale oil production in Canada and the US continue to shake Middle Eastern and OPEC

Corporate Agriculture in the Desert

Food Security and Corporate Farming in Gulf Countries The concept of corporate farming revolves around fostering of efficiency as compared to traditional peasant farming prevalent in many third world countries .The corporate approach to farming encourages , institutionalises and induces private sector investment in agriculture with resultantly  higher output, income and even exports after reasonable

Food Security

Grain Silos Courtesy Ukraine Business News Ukraine is the worlds 4th exporter of grains.  Silos in territory under the control of the Ukrainian government were at 50 % storage after Russia blockaded the sea ports of Ukraine. At one stage almost 30 million tonnes of grain were stored in Ukrainian held territory out of a

By |2023-03-01T10:13:27+00:00February 9th, 2023|Categories: Renewables, Energy & Food Security|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Blasts Spills and UN

Russian Crude at Discount With the increase in ocean borne trade and vessels the incidents of blasts and spills have correspondingly increased at ports and coasts. Although the maritime sector is relatively regulated rising costs of insurance of ships lets inspections and survey of ships worthiness slip in some jurisdictions. The shipping sector has witnessed

Flood Relief & Complementary Development of Inland Waterways

Post Floods & Inland Waterway Development Flood waters have not completely receded  in the province of Sindh and flood rehabilitation efforts need to be intensified in terms of flood management, building protective dykes, rebuilding infrastructure, excavation and dredging of canals and initiating Inland Waterways for Cruise and Freight with logistic nodes along the length of

Ukraine & Containers Pile

Sanctions & Disruption of Energy Supply Chain Courtesy The Japan Times After the conflict in Ukraine erupted Russian supply of oil and piped gas  to the European Union got severely disrupted. The US and EU imposed sanctions as well as a price cap on Russian crude. The ostensible purpose seems to be to curb Russia's

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