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Blue Bankers

Investment and Facilitation The National Investment Promotion & Facilitation Agency (NIPFA) of India was established in the year 2015 with the theme being “ Invest India “ and is the single point of contact for any investor coming to India . Gimmicks include relationship dedicated managers for any investor or group of investors who will

 Arab Women Empowerment

Conflicting Views Credit Asia Times A fierce debate is ongoing in the Arab world  between feminists who altogether altogether reject religion on the notion that female  liberation and worship are fundamentally contradictory and those Arab women who advocate the view that religion is a source of strength. The generation coming of age and exposed to

Sportswomen and Hijab

Sports Chauvinism and Subjugation of Gender Credit VOA News The Olympics was about male chauvinism in sports at its worst. To quote the founder of the Olympic movement French aristocrat Baron Pierre de Coubertin “female applause as reward for exaltation of male athleticism “. Subjugation of gender role was at its pinnacle and an affront

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