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Geopolitics of Hydrography & Indian Ocean

Hydrography & Monaco The International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) is an intergovernmental organisation established in 1921 to promote cooperation among maritime nations in the field of hydrography and nautical charting. The IHO's main objective is to ensure that all the world's navigable waters are surveyed and charted to modern standards . The IHO is responsible for

Reclamation & Acid Generation in Palm Jumeirah – Blacklisting of Ports

High land Values Land  reclamation is commonly undertaken around coastal cities such as Singapore and Hong Kong as land values are excessive thereby costs are justified by estate developers. What is not highlighted is that ocean water behaviours including tidal accumulation, sea level rise, connection to wetlands and aquatic biodiversity determine the success or failure

China Leads Green Shipping

Embracing Green Shipping Conventional Shipping Sustainability from Carbon Emissions Perspective Sustainability is an integral component of the Maritime sector. Statistically the shipping industry contributes 3% of global CO2 emissions which is meagre when compared to road transportation at 17% where the transition towards a cleaner and green mode of road transportation has been relatively smooth

SENSREC Ship Recycling & Norway

Third Phase SENSREC The International Maritime Organisation shared as far back as on 31st of July, 2020 that the third phase of an IMO-implemented SENSREC project to enhance safe and environmentally sound ship recycling in Bangladesh has been given the go-ahead. The ​SENSREC Phase III will focus on improving ship recycling standards in compliance with

ABC of Maritime & Narcotics Law

Evolution of Maritime Law In the year 1648 the Treaty of Westphalia confirmed that complete authority and sovereignty over land by rulers would be recognised but no nation could exercise sovereignty over the oceans. Maritime law evolves from a focus on the regulation or prevention of naval warfare to a structure for secure, safe and

ABC of Green Shipping Fuels

Shipping & Environmental Air Pollution As maritime transportation plays an important role for world sea trade its contribution to air pollution and climate change cannot be brushed aside. The current population of the world merchant fleet of 100 gross tonnage and above is about 117,000 vessels and the total gross tonnage is 1.36 billion. Annual

Muslim Maritime Bloc EEZ & Oceanography

Roots of Muslim Maritime Trade The history of transregional trade in the Indian Ocean is reflective of a vibrant trade from around the 1st century AD . With the expansion of Islam into India, East Africa and Southeast Asia the Indian Ocean began to cohere as a unified global economy and subsequently bound up in

Digitalisation & Seafarer Mental Health

Impact of Digital Connectivity on Seafarer Mental Health Container ships or oil tankers usually have a crew numbering between 18 to 24 persons. Mostly they don't know each other, are from different nationalities and remain occupied at their work stations.In today’s world technology has brought about tremendous changes in the way we communicate . With

Flags of Convenience

IMO Identification The International Maritime Organization (IMO) members realised the requirement for establishing of a mechanism to enhance maritime safety, achieve pollution prevention and facilitate the prevention of maritime fraud.The IMO in the year 1987 adopted resolution A.600 (15) which became mandatory 1st January 1996 onwards. Every merchant ship which is self propelled and above

Women Emerge on Maritime Horizon

Women and IMO Support Credit UN News Maritime and shipping has historically been a male dominated industry . The International Maritime Organization (IMO) discovered that women represent only 1-2 % of the world’s 1.25 million seafarers and they mostly work in cruise ships. The mission of a merchant ship is to carry cargo from one

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