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Arab Women Break Shackles

Arab Women Trailblazers A whole generation of girls in the Arab world are desirous to emulate women sports stars if given a conducive environment. The wave of women empowerment is sweeping across the Arab world and sports is no exception. The stereotype of a typical Arab women is being challenged by the new generation of

By |2023-04-15T09:34:25+00:00April 15th, 2023|Categories: Sports, AI, Culture & Health|Tags: , , , , , , , , |0 Comments

Darling of Lebanon No More

Economic Wizard Enriches himself Riad Salameh the Central Bank of Lebanon's Chief since decades once widely acclaimed as an economic wizard now faces the ire of the public due to the worst economic crisis and prolonged depression Lebanon is going through. The economic crisis worsened as cross border trade reduced to a trickle after the

Blasts Spills and UN

Russian Crude at Discount With the increase in ocean borne trade and vessels the incidents of blasts and spills have correspondingly increased at ports and coasts. Although the maritime sector is relatively regulated rising costs of insurance of ships lets inspections and survey of ships worthiness slip in some jurisdictions. The shipping sector has witnessed

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