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Arab Women in Logistics & Fashion Sectors

Arab Women in Logistics & Fashion The logistics sector is incorporating Machine Learning equipped with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Cloud Computing .Realistically logistics is an area which defies complete automation as manual input is required for storing and collection of inventory data on Cloud Computing. Automating logistics does cut down on the overall cost of

Maritime Digitization & Jobs

Integration of Artificial Intelligence The rapid advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI)  , its integration and grudging acceptance in the Maritime Industry will have a wide impact. The maritime sector  has traditionally been labour intensive. In the face of unionized labour seaports across the globe are finding it challenging to introduce AI despite the viability of

Transit Trade in Central Asia

Freight Costs Reduction to Boost Central Asia's Trade In order to cut Freight costs Tajikistan acceded to the Framework Agreement on Facilitation of Cross-border Paperless Trade in Asia and the Pacific in the year 2022. Digital Cross border trade is the new frontier of logistic artificial intelligence (AI ) .After the Uzbekistan - Pakistan Transit

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