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Inland Waterways & Climate Change

Inland Waterways Role in Reducing Carbon Print , Environmental Degradation , Coastal Flooding, Marine Conservation ,Offsetting the Impact of Climate Change with Key Factor Being Logistic Costs Overview of Inland Waterways In Europe the inland waterways transport (IWT) infrastructure network is 23,506 km long. Water levels in Western Europe and Germany’s river Rhine , an integral

Port as Collateral for Loan

Chinese Debt Trap and Port of Mombasa China is engaged in territorial disputes with several countries including Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam, South Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and Brunei and is paranoid about its maritime routes being strangled at certain chokepoints. The Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) project  commenced operations in the year 2017 linking Mombasa ,the key

US Navy vs Navy

Where has the US Commercial Shipping Industry disappeared The US Navy and US Maritime Administration will have to justify why it is so prolific in spending on naval ships rather then building US merchant navy fleet. What is really being protected by the US Navy needs an in depth study. Is the US Navy protecting

China Kazakhstan Logistics

Kazakhstan China Extend Collaboration in Logistics Increasing collaboration between Kazakhstan and China is significantly reducing transportation time for goods from China via Kazakhstan rather then using the Black Sea route. Transiting across Kazakhstan will take around 6 days whereas goods enroute to the Black Sea from China will take 14 days.  Kazakhstan’s rigorous efforts to

Crumbling Rail

The US Rail Network is beset with myriad problems ranging from a crumbling rail infrastructure, discontent amongst rail workers, insufficient federal government funding and accumulation of deferred expenditures such as depreciation. Rail infrastructure include tracks and repair yards. The rail network in the United States is predominantly overshadowed by nearly 140,000 miles which exclusively transports

By |2023-07-10T03:52:58+00:00February 20th, 2023|Categories: Maritime Logistics & Geostrategy|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

India’s Sagarmala Digital Initiative

  Smart & Green Ports India has a dream of its 12 seaports ,some more then 50 years old, becoming maritime hubs and globally recognised manufacturing hubs. No doubt its seaports handled cargoes slightly in excess of 700 million tonnes in the fiscal year 2020. To this end India plans to upgrade its port infrastructure

Russia and the evolving rail grid in Central Asia

The evolving rail grid in Central Asia will financially incentivize Middle Corridor trade while making EU-Asian routes less regionally competitive. Russian Railways in collaboration with the railways of Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Iran is granting reduced container-kilometer rates in the year 2023 for using the infrastructure of the eastern route of the North-South international transport corridor

Maritime Logistics

The International Monetary Fund is cautioning of a catastrophe perhaps as severe as the food emergency of 2007-08. Concerns are mounting of the capacity to continue shipping grain out of the Black Sea region as the war escalates.  Bloomberg reports that countries reliant on food imports are confronted with a the deleterious impact of  climbing interest rates, a

By |2023-02-22T14:30:19+00:00January 12th, 2023|Categories: News|Tags: , , |0 Comments
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