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Zero Carbon 2050

Net Zero Emissions Scenario by 2050 A study by the Center on Global Energy Policy reveals that the production , processing and supply of critical minerals may not align with the rapid rise in conversion of internal combustion engines in electrically powered vehicles (EV's)  and usage of electrically powered batteries in vehicles . Additionally  the

By |2023-03-01T09:45:34+00:00February 26th, 2023|Categories: Featured, Renewables, Energy & Food Security|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Barrick Gold of Canada “ Say #NoToCorruption

Barrick Gold of Canada which is re entering the mineral resource sector (copper gold) in Pakistan , after an international arbitration award, recently shared its policy on Anti – Bribery and Anti – Corruption. The company informed that Corruption causes widespread harm, fuels conflict and can result in misdirection of funds that would be used

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