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Electricity Tariff Subsidies & Renewables

China Leads in Renewables China has emerged as the leader in the development of renewable energy and by the year 2017, China’s wind and solar power capacity reached 168 GW and 130GW respectively, generating 5.3 percent of China’s electricity supply. Correspondingly in photovoltaic (PV) technology the price of PV modules decreased from about 30 Yuan

African Landlocked Countries Logistic Corridor to Ports

Africa on Way to Become Hub of Sea Trade The African continent has the potential of becoming the new hub of trade in the maritime world due to maritime traffic congestion , Red Sea conflict and increasing attacks by pirates operating from the Somalian coast with global shipping companies seeking alternative sea routes and land

Sea Walls Morocco and USA

Sea Walls For coastal states to remain protected from floods in a natural manner Sea Walls are constructed . The first step is to identify and select the appropriate location for construction of a wall which is related to  the geographical size of a coastal state as well as the severity of climate change .

By |2024-01-06T13:15:06+00:00January 6th, 2024|Categories: Environment & Extreme Flooding|Tags: , , , |0 Comments
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