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ABC of Shipyards

Basics of Ship Construction The initial stages of construction revolve around fabricating, piece by piece, the structure of the vessel. The panels are created and shaped into blocks which are chunks of the ship’s structure that can weigh dozens of tons.  The blocks are then blasted ,painted then processed in the final stages of outfitting

MSP Climate Change and SDG 14

Marine Spatial Planning integral to maintain Biodiversity The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO advocates the development of an ocean database through data collection efforts and employing technologies such as satellite imagery. The impact of climate change is essential to be factored into Marine Spatial Planning. For maritime countries it is essential to frame policies of

By |2024-01-18T15:25:31+00:00January 18th, 2024|Categories: Maritime Logistics & Geostrategy|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

GOOS & Indian Ocean

Indian Ocean enters Plastic Age The magnitude of pollution in waterways and oceans is now so much that the world may be entering the “Plastic Age” . The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) claims that globally 400 million tons of plastic are produced annually yet smart technology, water sensors and integrated cloud data systems can

Offshore Wind

Understanding Regional EEZ ,Offshore Hydrocarbons , Seabed Mining & Offshore Wind Energy Offshore Wind Energy in India emerged from nascent ocean exposure or deployment of offshore infrastructure in India replete with social and environmental challenges. India’s lengthy coastline possesses extensive offshore wind energy potential supported by almost 2.3 million of exclusive economic zones .

Universities & Oceanographic Vessels

Polar Ice Vessels & Ramming Ocean going research vessels require accurate and precise navigation as all oceanographic sampling is associated with a time and location.Navigation methods have changed from earlier traditional methods of using sextant and chronometer to satellite positioning. Polar research vessels features incorporate endurance upto 90 days, helicopter support, special provisions for cold

WWF and Seabed Mining

International Seabed Authority The International Seabed Authority (ISA) Assembly of 168 member states met in Jamaica recently to regulate deep-sea mining however the progressive regulatory proposals of Chile, Vanuatu, Palau, France and Costa Rica were unfortunately vetoed and critical ocean environmental issues adjourned by the Assembly to next year. Calls for a precautionary pause or

Maritime Digitization & Jobs

Integration of Artificial Intelligence The rapid advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI)  , its integration and grudging acceptance in the Maritime Industry will have a wide impact. The maritime sector  has traditionally been labour intensive. In the face of unionized labour seaports across the globe are finding it challenging to introduce AI despite the viability of

Coastal Sewage Treatment

Sewerage and Carcinogenic Coastal Waste An array of barriers, cultural and religious negatively impact on wastewater and sewage treatment. Many are squeamish at the thought of using  sewage treated water. One must realize that dumping sewage and wastewater into drains, rivers and sea is harmful to the environment, contains carcinogenic elements, drives away marine and

Environment Logistics & Vancouver Container Terminal

Deep Subtidal Waters The Roberts Bank Terminal 2 (project) has been approved to be developed as a marine container terminal on Canada’s West coast.  Its location in deep subtidal waters is designed to minimize environmental effects. The burden will not be on the taxpayer as the port authority will finance the project. The federal government

Indian Ocean Offshore Wind and Hydrocarbon

Offshore Renewables Part 1 As part of the fabled “Blue Economy “the Indian Ocean is observing research being extensively carried out in the sphere of maritime oriented renewable energy sources. Proponents of offshore renewables are advocating marine ecologically compliant polices regulating maritime energy development, and concurrent institutional frameworks to assess environmental impact on marine habitats

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