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South Asian Ports Benefit from Houthi Attacks in Red Sea

World Maritime Supply Chains & Straits Maritime routes involve 5 crucial international waterways namely “ The English Channel, Malacca Strait, Hormuz Strait, Suez Canal and the Panama Canal". Each of these 5 waterways have had distinct disruptions with respect to supply chains. The English Channel has an advantage of modern Sea Ports with minimal collisions

Climate Change Choking Panama Canal

Variable Wind patterns complicating Navigation The blockage of the Suez Canal highlighted the vulnerability of global shipping and freight logistics to climatic changes. Extreme heat dries soil ,vegetation becomes scarce ,winds mobilize sand grains and ensuing sandstorms display strong and variable wind patterns complicating navigation in the passage of the Suez Canal .In the last

Flags of Convenience

IMO Identification The International Maritime Organization (IMO) members realised the requirement for establishing of a mechanism to enhance maritime safety, achieve pollution prevention and facilitate the prevention of maritime fraud.The IMO in the year 1987 adopted resolution A.600 (15) which became mandatory 1st January 1996 onwards. Every merchant ship which is self propelled and above

Miami Sinking Sands

Uneducated Reclamation Credit The Economic Times It may be astonishing for some to know that 44 of the 48 world’s large populated coastal cities are sinking at a rapid pace than the sea level is rising. Such sinking is attributed to groundwater pumping and sediment compacted soil from heavy building and large construction projects being

Copper Corruption Canada & Mining

Canadian Mining company accused It has been highlighted by the Organised Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP)  that Panamanian mining professionals , numbering almost 200,000,  have embarked upon a crusade to prevent open-pit mining by a subsidiary of a Canadian-listed company on the counts of having breached more than 200 environmental regulations ,damaging historical and

Panama Leaks Sanctions

US & EU Sanctions Panama Canal is a marvel of maritime architecture and facilitates global ocean borne trade. The progressive development did not take place overnight though . Panama was targeted as a facilitator in illicit trade of petroleum and crude of Iran and after the conflict in Ukraine a fresh salvo has been fired

By |2023-07-13T06:07:54+00:00January 26th, 2023|Categories: Maritime Logistics & Geostrategy|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |0 Comments
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