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Port Sudan Refugees Crisis & UN

Plight of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons arising from the Conflict in Sudan If the conflict in Sudan escalates it is estimated that 800,000 Sudanese may became refugees as already 75,000 have been internally displaced in Khartoum , state of Blue Nile, North Kordofan and western region of Darfur.The role of the UN is coming

Obscene Profits Cramp US Policy

Saudi Arabia's Emerging Financial Strength When the Saudi national oil company which is listed on the bourse announced revenues as high as $161 billion for last year it came as no surprise as oil and gas producers seem to be the prime beneficiaries of the Ukraine conflict. The ploy of the US and Western Europe

Irrationality of Drug Pricing Policy

Non availability & non affordability of Life Saving Medicines Source Biotech Connection The irrationalilty of the Drug Pricing Policy 2018 has lead to non-availability of medicines on account of being under priced at one end as well as non-affordability due to over pricing of numerous essential and life saving medicines in Pakistan . Higher prices

By |2023-03-01T10:07:06+00:00February 11th, 2023|Categories: Sports, AI, Culture & Health|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments
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