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Insurance Bunkering & Coalition Force in Red Sea

Insurance Costs Surge on Red Sea Routes Isn't it intriguing that only the major container lines and not tankers, LNG and bulk carriers have diverted from the Red Sea routes. A Suezmax tanker with a load of 750,000 barrels priced at $80/bbls is a cargo worth around $60 million. At a war risk insurance of

Port Sudan Refugees Crisis & UN

Plight of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons arising from the Conflict in Sudan If the conflict in Sudan escalates it is estimated that 800,000 Sudanese may became refugees as already 75,000 have been internally displaced in Khartoum , state of Blue Nile, North Kordofan and western region of Darfur.The role of the UN is coming

IMF & Blue Economy

Diversification in Middle Eastern Economies It seems diversification is the name of the new game being played across the oil producers in the Middle East. The AD Ports Group of Abu Dhabi business model is integrally comprised of  Digital, Economic Cities & Free Zones, Logistics, Maritime and Ports. The UAE is a significant investor in

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