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Arab Women in Logistics & Fashion Sectors

Arab Women in Logistics & Fashion The logistics sector is incorporating Machine Learning equipped with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Cloud Computing .Realistically logistics is an area which defies complete automation as manual input is required for storing and collection of inventory data on Cloud Computing. Automating logistics does cut down on the overall cost of

Saudi Red Sea Tourism & Coral Reefs

Red Sea Tourism , Coastal Development and Coral Reefs Coral Reefs Coral reefs underly ocean biodiversity and contribute significantly in the economic, social, touristic and cultural scope . The extent of biodiversity of coral reefs incorporating a multitude of symbiotic relationships , encompasses 285,000 km2  covering less then 0.1 % of the ocean exterior. Coral colonies

Saudi Celebs

Ranked top Female Arab television host Credit Life Style Asia Hong Kong Lojain Omran is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's top ranked television host with over 5.7 million followers on Instagram.  Lojain  hails from Saudi Arabia and is in her mid forties and has had plastic surgery done on her face. She performs as one of

By |2023-04-08T08:12:03+00:00April 8th, 2023|Categories: Sports, AI, Culture & Health|Tags: , , , , , , , |0 Comments

Saudi Arabia goes East

Crude storages post Ukraine Conflict The Saudi petrochemical conglomerate Aramco has recently made two strategic ventures with its biggest client.Rongsheng is China’s largest integrated refining and chemicals facility and the controlling owner of Zhejiang Petrochemical Corp (ZPC)  and a huge manufacturer of polyesters .Aramco will supply ZPC with petrochemical feedstocks of naphtha and paraxylene being

Remote Warfare and the Gulf

Remotely patrolling the Persian Gulf The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) member countries namely Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Oman are creating and expanding a joint or multinational fleet of unmanned surface vessels (USV’s). The Persian Gulf through which the world’s major oil routes pass is 35 to 200 miles wide at

Women Empowerment in the Desert

Green Hype in the Desert & Women Empowerment Despite decades of hype and hopes for a move towards green energy fossil fuels account for more then 90 % of transportation of people and goods for trade. The phenomenal  growth in shale oil production in Canada and the US continue to shake Middle Eastern and OPEC

Obscene Profits Cramp US Policy

Saudi Arabia's Emerging Financial Strength When the Saudi national oil company which is listed on the bourse announced revenues as high as $161 billion for last year it came as no surprise as oil and gas producers seem to be the prime beneficiaries of the Ukraine conflict. The ploy of the US and Western Europe

Bold Saudi Fashion

Saudi Fashion Designer Razan Alazzouni Emboldened by her success in designing dresses for celebrities of the likes of Paris Hilton and a Kardashian sister renowned Saudi designer Razan Alazzouni has been successfully presenting her international fashion credentials in the past at glamorous events such as at Dubai Vogue Experience.A graduate of fine arts from the

First Ladies of Kingdoms

Sheikha Mozah and US Glossy Magazine Vanity Fair Credit South China Morning Post The First Lady of Qatar Her Excellency Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser has been recognized  by Vanity Fair as amongst the most stylish women in the world .Vanity Fair is a popular and glossy US magazine and its vote is revered in the US

Saudi Vision 2030 and Defense

KSA to localise Defense Manufacturing by 50 % The Saudi Vision 2030 is primarily concerned with diversifying the oil and gas exploration ,refining and petrochemical economy and acquiring self sufficiency in the defense and security fields to reduce external reliance, provide business and vending opportunities for Saudi businesses , generate employment for its citizens to

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