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MSP Climate Change and SDG 14

Marine Spatial Planning integral to maintain Biodiversity The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO advocates the development of an ocean database through data collection efforts and employing technologies such as satellite imagery. The impact of climate change is essential to be factored into Marine Spatial Planning. For maritime countries it is essential to frame policies of

By |2024-01-18T15:25:31+00:00January 18th, 2024|Categories: Maritime Logistics & Geostrategy|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Marine Protected Areas Conflicts & Biodiversity

Marine Protected Areas Security & Biodiversity Protection of Marine Areas is not only about conservation of aquatic species but also defending a state’s territory against marine intruders. According to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) maritime zones were chalked out to depict sea borders yet whether it’s the territorial sea,

Yachts Oligarchs & Sanctions

Highly Priced Yachts of Russian Oligarchs Pursuant to the Russian invasion of Ukraine last year the US and its European allies imposed sanctions against Russian owners of yachts and villas on the presumption that the owners were associated with the Russian government. Initial seizures were impounding of a 213-foot yacht owned by Alexei Mordashov in

Saudi Red Sea Tourism & Coral Reefs

Red Sea Tourism , Coastal Development and Coral Reefs Coral Reefs Coral reefs underly ocean biodiversity and contribute significantly in the economic, social, touristic and cultural scope . The extent of biodiversity of coral reefs incorporating a multitude of symbiotic relationships , encompasses 285,000 km2  covering less then 0.1 % of the ocean exterior. Coral colonies

Coastal Sewage Treatment

Sewerage and Carcinogenic Coastal Waste An array of barriers, cultural and religious negatively impact on wastewater and sewage treatment. Many are squeamish at the thought of using  sewage treated water. One must realize that dumping sewage and wastewater into drains, rivers and sea is harmful to the environment, contains carcinogenic elements, drives away marine and

Miami Sinking Sands

Uneducated Reclamation Credit The Economic Times It may be astonishing for some to know that 44 of the 48 world’s large populated coastal cities are sinking at a rapid pace than the sea level is rising. Such sinking is attributed to groundwater pumping and sediment compacted soil from heavy building and large construction projects being


  Term Blue Economy The term “blue economy” entered common parlance after  the United Nations (UN) Conference on Sustainable Development  held in the year 2012 to promote marine ecosystem integrated management .Yet the ensuing concluding remarks did not allude to the word blue. The emphasis during the UN conference was about building adequate capacity for

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