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China Seoul Maritime Route – Han River & Inland Waterways

Han River Major Water Source   Credit ; Korean Institute of Public Administration The Han River serves as a major water source for South Korea despite environmental concerns as industrial effluents are dumped into the river . Origin Credit : Korean Institute of Public Administration The Han River emerges as two small rivers in the

Muslim Maritime Bloc EEZ & Oceanography

Roots of Muslim Maritime Trade The history of transregional trade in the Indian Ocean is reflective of a vibrant trade from around the 1st century AD . With the expansion of Islam into India, East Africa and Southeast Asia the Indian Ocean began to cohere as a unified global economy and subsequently bound up in

Taiwan China Best of Friends

No Recognition but Trade goes on Despite having no official relations China is Taiwan’s largest trading partner and the US comes in a close second. Both countries maintain no official relations yet their two way annual trade rose to US $ 328 billion and the ready supply directly from Taiwan of processor chips is a

Trade Disputes and Arbitration – Series Part II

Understanding the “United Nations Conference on International Commercial Arbitration” and the “Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards” in the context of External Trade Disputes Initially, the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) was established by the UN General Assembly on December 17th, 1966 to unify international trade law as

Trade Disputes & Arbitration – Series

                                          Series - Part I Understanding the “United Nations Conference on International Commercial Arbitration” and the “Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards” in the context of External Trade Disputes Introduction Credit

China Kazakhstan Logistics

Kazakhstan China Extend Collaboration in Logistics Increasing collaboration between Kazakhstan and China is significantly reducing transportation time for goods from China via Kazakhstan rather then using the Black Sea route. Transiting across Kazakhstan will take around 6 days whereas goods enroute to the Black Sea from China will take 14 days.  Kazakhstan’s rigorous efforts to


  Term Blue Economy The term “blue economy” entered common parlance after  the United Nations (UN) Conference on Sustainable Development  held in the year 2012 to promote marine ecosystem integrated management .Yet the ensuing concluding remarks did not allude to the word blue. The emphasis during the UN conference was about building adequate capacity for

Flood Relief & Complementary Development of Inland Waterways

Post Floods & Inland Waterway Development Flood waters have not completely receded  in the province of Sindh and flood rehabilitation efforts need to be intensified in terms of flood management, building protective dykes, rebuilding infrastructure, excavation and dredging of canals and initiating Inland Waterways for Cruise and Freight with logistic nodes along the length of

Transit Trade in Central Asia

Freight Costs Reduction to Boost Central Asia's Trade In order to cut Freight costs Tajikistan acceded to the Framework Agreement on Facilitation of Cross-border Paperless Trade in Asia and the Pacific in the year 2022. Digital Cross border trade is the new frontier of logistic artificial intelligence (AI ) .After the Uzbekistan - Pakistan Transit

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