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Arab Women in Logistics & Fashion Sectors

Arab Women in Logistics & Fashion The logistics sector is incorporating Machine Learning equipped with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Cloud Computing .Realistically logistics is an area which defies complete automation as manual input is required for storing and collection of inventory data on Cloud Computing. Automating logistics does cut down on the overall cost of

Muslim Maritime Bloc EEZ & Oceanography

Roots of Muslim Maritime Trade The history of transregional trade in the Indian Ocean is reflective of a vibrant trade from around the 1st century AD . With the expansion of Islam into India, East Africa and Southeast Asia the Indian Ocean began to cohere as a unified global economy and subsequently bound up in

Digitalisation & Seafarer Mental Health

Impact of Digital Connectivity on Seafarer Mental Health Container ships or oil tankers usually have a crew numbering between 18 to 24 persons. Mostly they don't know each other, are from different nationalities and remain occupied at their work stations.In today’s world technology has brought about tremendous changes in the way we communicate . With

Women Emerge on Maritime Horizon

Women and IMO Support Credit UN News Maritime and shipping has historically been a male dominated industry . The International Maritime Organization (IMO) discovered that women represent only 1-2 % of the world’s 1.25 million seafarers and they mostly work in cruise ships. The mission of a merchant ship is to carry cargo from one

Arab Women Break Shackles

Arab Women Trailblazers A whole generation of girls in the Arab world are desirous to emulate women sports stars if given a conducive environment. The wave of women empowerment is sweeping across the Arab world and sports is no exception. The stereotype of a typical Arab women is being challenged by the new generation of

By |2023-04-15T09:34:25+00:00April 15th, 2023|Categories: Sports, AI, Culture & Health|Tags: , , , , , , , , |0 Comments

Saudi Celebs

Ranked top Female Arab television host Credit Life Style Asia Hong Kong Lojain Omran is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's top ranked television host with over 5.7 million followers on Instagram.  Lojain  hails from Saudi Arabia and is in her mid forties and has had plastic surgery done on her face. She performs as one of

By |2023-04-08T08:12:03+00:00April 8th, 2023|Categories: Sports, AI, Culture & Health|Tags: , , , , , , , |0 Comments

 Arab Women Empowerment

Conflicting Views Credit Asia Times A fierce debate is ongoing in the Arab world  between feminists who altogether altogether reject religion on the notion that female  liberation and worship are fundamentally contradictory and those Arab women who advocate the view that religion is a source of strength. The generation coming of age and exposed to

Muslim Women Resurgence in Oman

Omani Women Fitness Regime Credit NBC Palm Springs An alluring image reflective of symmetry and harmony between the female body and nature has ignited debate in the highly conservative desert kingdom of Oman. Nusaiba Al Maskari learned the art of balancing using a pole from a Russian pole dancer . The most vivid depiction of

By |2023-04-04T09:50:49+00:00April 4th, 2023|Categories: Sports, AI, Culture & Health|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Women Empowerment in the Desert

Green Hype in the Desert & Women Empowerment Despite decades of hype and hopes for a move towards green energy fossil fuels account for more then 90 % of transportation of people and goods for trade. The phenomenal  growth in shale oil production in Canada and the US continue to shake Middle Eastern and OPEC

Iconic Sheikha Mahra

The Princess who loves Stallions Credit Emirates Women Princess Sheikha Mahra of the United Arab Emirates is passionately fond of horses and frequents the Meydan Racecourse clad at times in conservative dark or pastel hues . The Dubai World Cup enabled the Emirati royal daughter an opportunity to present her fashion statement to the world

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