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Port Gwadar & Reko Diq Copper

By Nadir Mumtaz   Coastal Province of Balochistan & Reko Diq Copper Gold Project The province of Balochistan covers almost 44% of the country in term of area yet the population is only 5% of Pakistan’s population. Its potential natural resources are still geologically undiscovered. Alarmingly net foreign direct investment in Pakistan dipped by 2.9%

WWF and Seabed Mining

International Seabed Authority The International Seabed Authority (ISA) Assembly of 168 member states met in Jamaica recently to regulate deep-sea mining however the progressive regulatory proposals of Chile, Vanuatu, Palau, France and Costa Rica were unfortunately vetoed and critical ocean environmental issues adjourned by the Assembly to next year. Calls for a precautionary pause or

Phantom Fleets

National Fleets versus Phantoms Fleets Worldwide countries maintain fleets in the Public or Private sector or hybrid depending on the geography and craving of sovereign assertiveness. Cargo preferential treatments are influential instruments of economic cartelization . Yet such policies can have an adverse effect on the nation's economy by increasing the cost of transport and

By |2023-07-30T10:53:48+00:00July 23rd, 2023|Categories: Maritime Logistics & Geostrategy|0 Comments

ICJ and Exclusive Economic Zones

Decision and judgement of The INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE on Continental Shelf & Exclusive Economic Zones in South America QUESTION OF THE DELIMITATION OF THE CONTINENTAL SHELF BETWEEN NICARAGUA AND COLOMBIA BEYOND 200 NAUTICAL MILES FROM THE NICARAGUAN COAST First question formulated by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) was ; Whether a State’s entitlement

Mangroves & Carbon Sequestration

Mangroves, Carbon Sequestration, Harbor Infrastructure and Coastal Degradation Urbanization and Invasion of Mangroves Swamps The rapid increase in population and corresponding urbanization in coastal megacities has been accompanied by frenzied land reclamation driven mostly by anthropogenic factors . Mangroves are prevalent all over except Antarctica. Seaward  land reclamation  entails the formation of artificial land facade

Inland Waterways & Climate Change

Inland Waterways Role in Reducing Carbon Print , Environmental Degradation , Coastal Flooding, Marine Conservation ,Offsetting the Impact of Climate Change with Key Factor Being Logistic Costs Overview of Inland Waterways In Europe the inland waterways transport (IWT) infrastructure network is 23,506 km long. Water levels in Western Europe and Germany’s river Rhine , an integral

European Rivers Disputes & NATO

European Rivers & Freshwater Basins There are around 300 freshwater basins in the world straddling international borders and nearly all neighbours in the international system share a river and wherever an upstream/downstream basin configuration exists among nations the risk of conflict is enhanced. In order, to develop any long term and sustainable hydro based power

Port as Collateral for Loan

Chinese Debt Trap and Port of Mombasa China is engaged in territorial disputes with several countries including Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam, South Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and Brunei and is paranoid about its maritime routes being strangled at certain chokepoints. The Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) project  commenced operations in the year 2017 linking Mombasa ,the key

US Navy vs Navy

Where has the US Commercial Shipping Industry disappeared The US Navy and US Maritime Administration will have to justify why it is so prolific in spending on naval ships rather then building US merchant navy fleet. What is really being protected by the US Navy needs an in depth study. Is the US Navy protecting

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